Let Me Inspire & Empower Your Audience
Here’s what I do for my clients:
- I INSPIRE them to see their brilliance
- I EMPOWER them to take action
- I EDUCATE them to create long-term sustainable success
I do this at conferences, corporate retreats, workshops, seminars, festivals and leadership events.
I’ve been labelled the Spiritual Personal Trainer with a Modern Goddess Twist for my ability to take an audience from gut-aching laughter to deep emotional release as they find their intuitive truth, often for the first time.
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Deanna is well spoken, vibrant, full of life and extremely interactive with an audience which more than doubled the typical engagement a speaking guest has in my group. She came well prepared and delivered above and beyond my expectations. I would 100% recommend Deanna as a speaker for your next event and welcome her back to my Facebook group and clients anytime.
There are not enough strong, purpose-drive women holding high-influence positions in their companies who are TAPPED IN to their feminine intuition and wisdom.
The majority are so disconnected from their feminine selves that they are experiencing physical & emotional break down:
* insomnia
* lack of sex drive
* higher than normal anxiety
* infertility
* sudden fear of the future
* feeling apathetic towards achieving goals that used to motivate them
These women, if nothing were to change, are en route to complete burn out, loss of influence & power and physical breakdown, among many other side effects of energetic imbalance.
My mission is to IGNITE, INSPIRE & AWAKEN these women to realize their feminine wisdom IS NOT THE ENEMY. They are able to maintain their success while creating SUSTAINABLE levels of prosperity & growth.
My Most Requested Speeches Are:

The Empowered Leader
Maximize your IMPACT by tapping into your Intuitive Wisdom & Learn the Art of Conscious Leadership
To have the impact you desire and empower your people, you must first become an EXPERT in your own life! Understand your truth, learn your own brilliance, and balance your energy to get out of your own way and start rising as an EMPOWERED LEADER.
In this talk, guests learn to witness & own their natural brilliance, do less and IMPACT more, create SUSTAINABLE success & prosperity and serve others by first serving oneself.
Sustainable Success & Inner Fulfilment
The missing link they never taught you
The average purpose-driven & influential leader has built her lifestyle using mental strength & willpower. But this empire she has built is teetering on a crumbling foundation ~ IT’S NOT SUSTAINABLE!! Nor is her sanity and number of hours worked in a week.
In this talk, guests learn simple & effective tools to balance their personal health and lead with their internal wisdom without compromising their desire for prosperity, status and influence.
Living True to your Divine Purpose
Building & managing a business empire is an incredible feat – but what happens when you rise to the top and realize; this isn’t everything I thought I wanted? Why have I worked so hard to achieve something that now means nothing to me? What WILL bring me happiness?
In this talk, guests learn how to access their individual soul purpose within and how to bridge the gap from how they are leading & working now, to how they can integrate their Divine Purpose into every facet of their life.
The Feminine Approach;
Success Prosperity & Personal Growth
For decades we’ve been running business with our masculine energy, ignoring the feminine wisdom that exists within, in order to “get it done”. This outdated technique is no longer working for highly-influential women in business…something’s gotta give.
In this talk, guests learn how to balance both their masculine & feminine energies to create sustainable business & personal practices that lead to deeper prosperity and fulfilling personal growth.
Watch Deanna in Action:
I absolutely love the work that I do, and have had the privilege to serve so many women on their Conscious Awakening journey. Here are just a few of the words that have come back to me. To read a few more on Facebook, click here.
Deanna has a great stage presence and is very comfortable presenting. Her message on being an empowered leader is thought provoking and much needed in today’s world. Her ability to capture the audience’s attention is immediate and lasting.
Deanna is electric speaker. Not only does she speak to your soul but empowers you to step into your own leadership and find your truth within. Funny, warm and energetic she is
a powerful force that will leave you inspired.