The Empowered Woman Series
This series is a collection of six key principles that every woman needs in order to live connected to her feminine wisdom & strength!
If you’ve been too shy to express your deepest desires, fearful to share your need to be of service to others and embarrassed of your lack of feeling fulfilled.
This series speaks directly to you.
It’s time that women felt safe & confident to stand in their own power, honour their internal gifts and consciously create the life they’ve been aching for inside.
Are you ready to RISE?
Say YES to living your Empowered Woman Phase!
Your journey begins Fall 2020!!
Details about the program & your added bonuses below
My darling, you are being called into your Awakening.
The Empowered Woman Series
In this self-study program I teach you the six key principles to Awaken your Feminine Strength.
The program will officially begin with LIVE coaching from me on February 2nd, 2020 for 7 weeks {we’ll have an integration week mid-way through}. However, as soon as you register you’ll receive your pre-work and I recommend you give yourself at least 3 days to complete and embody it before we begin on the 2nd.
Guided Intention Setting Session
Meditation to Release Anxiety
EFT Tapping Live Training Video
Energy Release Live Training Video
Access to a Community of Heart-Centered Women
At-home Bellyfit Workout ~ the best dance-inspired workout you’ll ever have!
Over the 6 weeks we will cover these concepts;
Ego vs. Observer
Femme Fatale
Soulful Manifestation
Uncover Your Brilliance
Luxuriously Well-Thy
Living A Sensual Life
Each week you will receive an email with a key principle that includes:
a principle teaching video with ME! ?
SOULwork to connect these concepts to your personal life
a LIVE Q&A in our private FB group
a discussion thread in our private FB group
&& bonus materials to deepen your understanding of each principle
{ex. at-home Yoga class, guided mediation, guided visualization, etc}
You will also receive LIVE INTUITIVE COACHING with me in our private FB group.
You will be connected to women around the world who are also finding their inner EMPOWERED WOMAN!
On top of that you will have LIFETIME ACCESS to these teachings for those days down the road when you need a reset and want to dive back into your feminine awakening.
This entire program with lifetime access
is only $297CAD +gst!!
Click “Add to Cart” to purchase through PayPal
You are also welcome to e-transfer $311.85 (with gst) to
[email protected], password: empower

As an Empowered Woman you step into the role of conscious creator of your own life.
What you desire begins to manifest.
The relationships you wish would disappear, do.
The sex life you wish you had, appears.
The traumas from the past no longer feel so intense.
The way you desired to feel begins to become your norm.
You become The Empowered Woman!
PRINCIPLE 1 ~ Ego vs. Observer
We spend our lives seeing the world through the perception of our many ego’s, telling us we don’t fit in, we’re not good enough, we better give up now & everything else you’re so used to hearing on the daily. After this module you will be able to differentiate between your ego mind and your observer mind ~ allowing you to be less reactive and less emotional.
PRINCIPLE 2 ~ Femme Fatale
You’ve spent your life being told that being feminine is a weakness – we are physically less strong than men, we are paid less, we don’t hold as many high-power positions in the Corporate world…it has been deeply engrained in us that to be feminine is to be LESS THAN. This module will completely change this belief. You will be introduced to the incredible strength that your natural feminine gifts hold. You will walk away from this principle understanding that it truly is a GIFT to be a woman, that you are NOT too sensitive, emotional or weak, and how to USE these gifts to support human evolution {& create more ease in your household}
PRINCIPLE 3 ~ Soulful Manifestation
You are interacting with Universal energy every moment, dictating your current reality with every thought, sensation & feeling. What if you could harness that power & use your intimate connection to conscious create & design a life you LOVE!? Think manifesting money, travel, sensuality, energy, health, love & more! If nothing is impossible, that means everything is possible. 😉
PRINCIPLE 4 ~ Uncover Your Brilliance
You’ve spent your entire adult life trying to “fit in” with the societal norm. This is great for getting you ahead in the masculine driven corporate world – but what about your own natural BRILLIANCE? Have you ever even given that much thought? Not just what you’re good at, but what you are BRILLIANT at. In this module you will step into a world where YOU have the potential of Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerburg, Beyonce, Madonna and every other successful influencer in this world.
PRINCIPLE 5 ~ Luxuriously Well-Thy
We’ve all heard of abundance, gratitude and being thankful for what we have – but how many of us have been using this practice and are still in debt, feeling exhausted, wishing for more of what we don’t have and still paying our dues to “the man”?? This principle is all about how to get into the vibration of wealth & health in order to manifest the life of your dreams. Trust me, you will not be the same woman after this one!
PRINCIPLE 6 ~ Living A Sensual Life
Life is beautiful, mezmerizing, tantalizing and exquisite. All of it. The light AND the dark. In order to witness the true beauty & peace that exists within your precious life, you must first open yourself up to the sensual feeling of experiencing life! Learn how to tap into your body’s sensitivities, feel into your deepest desires and awaken that true sensual woman who lives within your core.
Click “Add to Cart” to purchase through Paypal
You’re also welcome to e-transfer $311.85 (with gst)
to [email protected], password: empower
It shows up in the questions you ask yourself late at night, in the sudden lack of joy & happiness from the same old activities… in your lust after a life you never thought you wanted.
You are being called into YOUR TIME.
Your time to grow, to expand, to evolve.
Have You…
experienced moments of questioning your life, even though you have everything you thought you wanted?
asked yourself how you could be so selfish to want more, when you have more support, more abundance, more “life” than the average person?
been triggered by this “gratitude” trend because it reminds you that you aren’t always grateful, and you can’t figure out why?
Do you have this desire to spend time alone, in solitude, with yourself, even though the thought terrifies you and makes no sense to your conscious mind?
It’s time my dear.
It is time for you to step into your own.
This is bigger than you.
Bigger than your fear.
You are being called into your
I’m Ready To Live Empowered!!
Click “Add to Cart” to purchase through Paypal
You’re also welcome to e-transfer $311.85 (with gst)
to [email protected], password: empower
See you in the group!
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